27 cards designed to practice Kagan’s cooperative structure, Quiz Quiz Trade, focused on enhancing speaking skills. Students will interact by asking and answering questions about summer activities, using past simple tense and WH-questions, promoting conversational practice in a fun and engaging way.
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27 tarjetas diseñadas para practicar la estructura cooperativa de Kagan, Quiz Quiz Trade, enfocada en mejorar las habilidades de speaking. Los estudiantes interactúan haciendo y respondiendo preguntas sobre actividades de verano, usando el pasado simple y preguntas WH, fomentando la práctica conversacional de manera divertida y atractiva.
Si te ha gustado este material, te agradecería mucho una reseña.
27 cards designed to practice Kagan’s cooperative structure, Quiz Quiz Trade, focused on enhancing speaking skills. Students will interact by asking and answering questions about summer activities, using past simple tense and WH-questions, promoting conversational practice in a fun and engaging way.